From Stuck to Uplifted (Part 3)


Welcome back! Today I want to introduce the third tool that I guide my private clients through to create powerful transformations in their body and life.

After Tool #1, Awareness of what you want to experience from where you currently are, and Tool #2, being clear on your Commitment and prioritizing it in the bandwidth of your energy in your life, what we move onto next is Tool #3, Control.

Being conscious about making choices to control what’s in your realm of control, by starting with yourself, can help you get to results you want to feel. In particular, this means by making conscious choices around your beliefs, your thoughts, the words you use, your breath, and your actions. 

Mahatma Gandhi said:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

Even though you don’t get to have control over the total pathway of your life and all that is happening around you, it is really helpful and uplifting to take control of the small things that you do have control over. You can begin with your breath/body/thoughts/actions, feeling like you’re in the driver’s seat, and embodying that you’re the steward for how you want to feel in your life and health. 

There are lots of ups and downs in life. The idea that we will always move in a positive trajectory simply isn’t true. Yet, you can nudge and encourage your life, health, and experience into the direction  you want to go into. My client Andrea has been a great example of this over the past 2 years in our private work.

When we began working together she had an unstable pelvis with lax ligaments, and felt very inhibited in her movement. She didn’t feel that she could do squats or pelvic bridges, and was fearful of having flare ups that would leave her debilitated and laying on the sofa, unable to get up and do her everyday activities.

Over the past 2 years she has grown stronger and more stable. A vital piece to this transformation has been the awareness she has cultivated of her body, her alignment, and the energy she has been embodying. She has strengthened her commitment over this time to wanting to feel freer and stronger, and she has gained clarity on what it is she can control.

A few weeks ago she had a severe flare up on her left side of her pelvis at her sacroiliac joint with nerve pain radiating from the left back side of her pelvis down into her leg. This kind of flare up used to mean she would cancel her whole day and be out on her back on the couch from the pain. She wasn't able to get the type of treatment that usually helps her feel relief, but instead, because of what she’s learned in our work together, she was able to use different modalities and our movement practice to get herself back into alignment, and felt that she could maintain her good spirits.

She has seen a positive shift in her whole mindset about how she has the ability to get herself into a better place, rather than running for treatments or resources outside of herself, which leaves her feeling enraged and frustrated and totally defeatist like she was a few years ago.

The wisdom that she has taken from all of this is that keeping her eye on the end result and, knowing she has an element of control will help her feel better.

What’s allowed her to get so much better over the past several years, is remember that she has internal control.

In our private work the mixture of working with introspection, coaching, her energy, and her body has proved so powerful.

This isn’t just Pilates. It’s not therapy. It’s not coaching. It is the practice of healing embodiment. Really being present with your whole self, taking into account the parts of your energy, psyche, and anatomy that are activated when you move through the physical practice, and empowering conversations that help you more fully embody, receive, and be more fulfilled with where you are while you move towards where you want to be.

I have a special opportunity for women who are committed to really creating healing and moving through life with love, grace and strength through the transformation.

I am thrilled to share with you that I have 2 openings for private clients. This will likely be the only time I have openings for private clients this year.

My clients thrive because they need a mentor who sees them, who hears them, who holds them. Now is your time to thrive.

If you are ready to be in the driver’s seat in your life, feel more fulfilled in your health, body, relationships, and are willing to invest in yourself, then my invitation to you is to have a 1-on-1 conversation with me to explore what is possible for you in working together in one of my programs.

This no-strings-attached conversation will guide you to get clear on what is currently holding you back, powerfully envision what you want for your self and your life, and see how our work together can get you from point A to point B.

Click here to schedule your complimentary Core Activation call with me and see how you can feel aligned in your life, free in your body, fulfilled and uplifted.

Fran Darnell