strength + resilience for your mind | body | spirit

Dynamic Woman Mastery



You are dynamic, strong-spirited, and full of wisdom. You may not realize this, but your happiness, strength, and self-defined success start with how you relate to your body. By focusing on your body, you can move towards more power, conscious choice, and strength in your dynamic life. This physical and energetic embodiment can create significant shifts in the way you hold yourself, in how you feel about yourself, and in how you show up for yourself. Embodiment is healing. So is connecting with your body and the core of who you are. If you are ready to feel closer to yourself and live more fully in the way you want to, welcome: we are here to support you.


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Dynamic Woman Mastery helps you feel centered, strong, and open to receiving more love and abundance in your life. It combines physical movement, energetic healing, reflective journaling, and deep community connection with a sisterhood of like-minded women.


Map Your Transformative Journey

This transformative program, based in DC, moves you through three distinct phases – each designed to bring your physical body, energetic systems, and daily life into alignment. Below are the phases we will move through on our journey together:

Energizing the Nurturer

This phase will help you get grounded in your intuition and establish a stable foundation. We will focus on putting yourself first so that you can make significant shifts in your own life.

Embodying the Empress

This phase will help you get centered and open you up to receiving more pleasure and abundance. We will focus on ensuring your basic needs are met as you navigate the ebb and flow of your dynamic life.

Embracing the Warrior Woman

This phase will empower you to embrace your unique identity and bring your self-confidence to the surface. We will focus on letting go of expectations to welcome powerful transformation from the inside out.

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Master Your Dynamic Life

During the course of the program, you’ll be guided to engage in reflection, sound and energy healing, and breathwork to channel your intuition in a meaningful way and create change in all areas of your life. You will feel closer to yourself and empowered to live the life you truly desire.

The support you'll receive

  • Sisterhood of like-minded women to support share your journey with

  • Blend of reflective journaling and physical movement to cultivate a sense of release and renewal

  • Real conversations about real solutions for your body on and off the mat

  • Core-strengthening and pelvic floor exercises to help you feel strong, aligned, and resilient from the inside out

  • Breathing exercises to help you get centered, gain clarity, and create space for yourself in your life

  • Dedicated support from Fran to help you adapt the material to your own unique body and lifestyle

  • Guidelines for at-home practice to integrate into your own routine

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Join Our Waitlist

Enrollment for Dynamic Woman Mastery is currently closed. Join our waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment reopens.

If you’re looking for a deeper, longer-term experience, consider joining one of our 1:1 Private Pilates & Coaching programs.


loving words from dynamic women like you

Dynamic Woman Mastery created a safe space, a tight community of women each on a different part of their journey. Fran is a gifted guide for women exploring physical, mental, and spiritual transformation. I gained an incredible amount of self-compassion, confidence, and loving kindness toward myself and others.
I’ve done Pilates with several different instructors and never developed the understanding of my body that I’m developing with Fran .... Most of all, Fran is beyond compassionate and has helped me to realize that even in its current state my body is beautiful.
— Lynn
Fran’s approach with movement and practical tools is unique. With the group support, journal and movement exercises it helped me explore myself, my feelings, my intentions and purpose. This program gave me practical tools to get me where I am and to move me further.
— Katy


Enrollment for Dynamic Woman Mastery is currently closed. Join our waitlist and be the first to know when enrollment reopens.


Your Time Is Now

Now is the time to activate the innate power that lives inside you – deep within your core. I am here to help you activate that power so that you can feel amazing in your body and energized in your life.

Schedule a complimentary Core Activation Call and begin your journey towards a stronger, more resilient you.

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