You Inspire Me


Yesterday was the ING NYC Marathon. It is one of my favorite days in NYC and I stood and cheered for 4 hours.

I am so deeply inspired watching all of the runners from the elite athletes to the individuals who were walking to the finish line. Seeing everyone's determination and feeling the joyful energy and encouragement of the supporters on the sidelines got me thinking about you and inspiration.

My purpose to writing to you every week is to support and encourage you by sharing tools and inspiration with you.

What I wish for you is to know that you are whole and beautiful just as you are. And my mission is to help you see this by connecting to your body and to your natural rhythm.

Just like the Marathon runners you each have your own pace on your path. And you are following your intuition to do what you need to do for yourself with each step in your life.

The simple truth is that YOU inspire me.

You simply inspire me by being a part of this community.

I love hearing what you are up to from your comments on facebook, your replies to these emails, meeting you in workshops, and in our work together in sessions.

You are living your life and creating great things!

And not only do you inspire me, but you inspire your family, friends, and most importantly you inspire yourselves.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for you in the Dynamic Core community. And let you know that I think you are really awesome :)

My Invitation to you this week:

As we begin the month of November take a moment and pause.

Here in the U.S. November marks the beginning of the busy holiday season. Before the month flies by get clear on how you want to move through the holiday season (how do you want to feel and be?).

Then write down 3 things that will make you feel your best, feel most joyful and have the most fun.

For me:
I will feel my best to be active by doing Pilates or working out 3x week.
I will feel most joyful having some one:one time with my mom.
I will have the most fun getting together with friends for a home cooked meal (and hopefully some boardgames!)

What about YOU?

Wishing you radiant health!

Fran Darnell