Every Mom Needs This (Whether You're Expecting or Been a Mom for Years)


Every mother deserves space to be seen, heard, to listen within, to engage her entire body, be in touch with her whole self, and feel connected to her core.

At your core is your body's wisdom - the most powerful guide there is.

At your core is the essence of who you are.

At your core is your deepest strength to support yourself from the inside out.

We all need to be connected to our core, and moms especially. Being a mother is very physically demanding on your body + energy, and whether you have very recently carried your child in your body or it’s been awhile, you are likely still cuddling, carrying, and contorting your body to hold and support your child as they develop and grow.

And just like your little one, you deserve support.

There is so much attention given to women during pregnancy; it’s as though the journey to giving birth is the only part of becoming a mother that truly matters. Then, as soon as the baby is out, new mamas find themselves back at home, entering into a whole new way of life caring for a new being, and yet, in terms of support, there is often little more than a quick six-week-postpartum checkup, and not much else after that.

This is why my mission through the Dynamic Mama program (starting on February 19th) is to support mothers, not only through pregnancy and childbirth, but also through the postpartum period and up to five years beyond, because it is never too late to connect with your core - and every mom at any stage deserves support.

It breaks my heart to hear women’s stories...

  • Of spending years after giving birth feeling held back in exercise, avoiding their core because they sense that something isn’t quite right, and fearing that with too much movement, they’ll make their middle/pelvis/back pain worse.

  • Of having a traumatic birthing experience and then not knowing where to turn for support in processing the experience, creating healing, and receiving follow-up care that addresses all parts of them - body, mind and soul.

  • Of feeling isolated and alone in their symptoms - living with pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, leaking, or having discomfort with sex - and not knowing how to resolve them.

  • Of experiencing anxiety or depression that keeps them from being present and able to receive the joy in their lives.

Too often, I hear from mothers saying that they feel it’s “too late” to address what they’ve been through, or that they have no core, and feel like they have lost it completely. I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late + you have a core!  It is never too late… to come together for your own support and healing.

My mission is to create space for moms to come together; to engage with their bodies mindfully; to move in a way that promotes healing in their pelvis and core, amplifying their power; to feel more centered, grounded and clear; to connect with other mamas; and to feel uplifted by the collective strength and compassion of an intimate community.

I created Dynamic Mama because I saw a need for intimate community focusing on each mother, for a thoughtful movement practice to strengthen the whole body, and for guidance and reflection on strengthening the whole self.

I’m so excited to be leading a new Dynamic Mama program in Washington, D.C. this Feb 19th, and there are still a few spaces open.

If you’re pregnant or a mama who is ready...

  • To get clear on how she wants to feel,

  • To feel the power she has inside her

  • To make the shift she’s longing for in her body and her energy

  • To move through her life feeling strong, motivated, energized... able to take on anything her dynamic life brings her way

Then this program is for you. Click here to join us, and share this with a mom you know!

Regardless of what you’ve been taught to believe, you CAN feel centered and grounded through all the ups and downs... through all the miracles of motherhood. And more than anything, this is my wish for you. Join us!

Fran Darnell